Future Work

Works need to be done by SMPL

Formulate the standards and specifications of the robotics platform

What standards and specifications are required?

The time and cost needed for the formulation of new standards and specifications?

Is there any ready standard or norms can be quoted directly?

Develop robotics simulation platform


vendors define the model of robot bodies or accessories, and submits it when releasing the product (CAD import is supported); The platform shall automatically verify whether the model conforms to the standards and specifications of the platform


combine the robot body and accessories selected by the users into a new robot. Automatically match the robot and accessories, and generate control programing and assembly instructions.


According to the user scenario, simulate the robot’s motions and working process in the simulation platform to verify the application effect of the robot.

Introduce online app store system

Integrate the simulation platform on the basis of the existing electronic app store system

Develop robotics app store

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